Blaziker’s Animation Adventure – 2023 Animated Movies Rundown (Part 10)
The final 2023 animated movies rundown of 2023 and this time, we cover the final 4 animated movies I watched! Let's end the year in a high!
All “Blaziker’s Animation Adventure (Fka: Blaziker Reviews Animation)” posts where I review animated movies and shows. Do check out the section ‘Blalziker’s Hot Sauce Movie Rating Scale’ where I explain how I rate these movies and shows
The final 2023 animated movies rundown of 2023 and this time, we cover the final 4 animated movies I watched! Let's end the year in a high!
To call Hayao Miyazaki's The Boy and the Heron a masterpiece would be an understatement. In fact, this goes beyond any animated movie of the 2020s decade
While Wish is far from perfect, what it did was transport me back to my childhood and realising why after all these years, I love Disney so much.
As 2023 was coming to a relative close, there are still more exciting animated movies yet to be discovered. It is time to discover three more!
Three more movies to cover, one rather interesting animated movie rundown, so time to set off and see what they have to offer in yet another adventure!
To the Bright Side has to be an absolute hidden gem, with the stories in the movie on point and some simplistic, yet fascinating animation that feels cosey
Despite being the longest animated movie of 2023 so far, Chang An excels in its wildly original storytelling and animation, making it a unique experience
Three more interesting animated movies from three different countries? There could only be one thing: another animated movie rundown!
There is a reason why I had been a "fanboy" of nWave Pictures for years, and that was this 2010 foreign CG animated movie, now with its own special review
Four very different animated movies, six different countries, six animation studios, one epic animated movie rundown to remember!