Blaziker’s Animation Adventure – The Super Mario Bros Movie
The Super Mario Bros Movie brings back nostalgia to a beloved franchise that will excite fans and families alike, even with a somewhat watered down story
The Super Mario Bros Movie brings back nostalgia to a beloved franchise that will excite fans and families alike, even with a somewhat watered down story
With The Super Mario Bros Movie looming, time to cover three more animated movies before its release, with three distinct animation styles and plotlines.
So, here we are. We are finally counting down my top 13 animated movies of 2022. A toast to those that broke ground and reach brand new heights!
An unexpected detour takes us to a nearly empty Airbnb where we encounter a talking shell that warm the cockles of our hearts and won many fans over
We continue with the countdown of the worst to best animated movies, covering the middle of that list from 26th to 14th. Let the countdown continue!
It is time to set sail for my first animated movie adventure of 2023, travelling to France to witness the birth of a French children's book icon!
With 2022 coming to the end, it is time to look back at the worst to best animated movies of the year, beginning with the bottom 12 of 2022
With the new year coming soon, I thought it would be great to refresh my current rating system for the new year. Here's my new rating system for 2023!
Introduction Greetings, fellow adventurers! Blaziker here, and I am back from my professional examination. It is coming to the end of the year, and given that there were not much…
Introduction Hello, fellow adventurers! Blaziker is back for another adventure and I have some bad news. Well, two actually. The first bad news is that the island we were supposed…