Blaziker’s Animation Adventure – Chang An
Despite being the longest animated movie of 2023 so far, Chang An excels in its wildly original storytelling and animation, making it a unique experience
Despite being the longest animated movie of 2023 so far, Chang An excels in its wildly original storytelling and animation, making it a unique experience
Three more interesting animated movies from three different countries? There could only be one thing: another animated movie rundown!
Four very different animated movies, six different countries, six animation studios, one epic animated movie rundown to remember!
While Deep Sea falters with its inconsistent writing quality, it makes for it with one of the most innovative and spellbinding animation efforts of 2023 so far
Before June arrives with a barrage of animated movies, it's time we look at three more animated movies to prepare for the summer season!
Introduction Hello, fellow adventurers! Blaziker is back to talk about something very personal, and it is about a movie, a movie many people would consider to be generic, mediocre and…
Introduction Welcome back, fellow adventurers, to the second part of my third 2022 animated movies rundown. After the T.I.A. building is saved (albeit barely due to the chaos Mortadelo and…
Introduction Hey everybody! Are you ready to set sail for another animated movie adventure, folks? Great, well, given that it is June and I had seen some animated movies before…