Blaziker’s Animation Adventure – 2023 Animated Movies Rundown (Part 5)
With July not that filled with animated movies, perhaps it is time we cover three more distinct looking animated movies. Shall we?
With July not that filled with animated movies, perhaps it is time we cover three more distinct looking animated movies. Shall we?
In celebration of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, what better way to celebrate than comparing Eurovision's Big 5 based on Eurovision and their theatrical animation quality?
It is time to set sail for my first animated movie adventure of 2023, travelling to France to witness the birth of a French children's book icon!
Introduction Welcome back, fellow adventurers, to the second part of my third 2022 animated movies rundown. After the T.I.A. building is saved (albeit barely due to the chaos Mortadelo and…
Introduction Hello again, fellow adventurers, and a very happy National Day to my Singaporean readers! Blaziker is back for the next animation adventure and this time, we are continuing to…